Realtor and Horse Lover
Find what you love. Love what you do.
What We've Achieved
- $5 million in properties sold in the portfolio for 2016
- 85 home and horse properties sold
- Multiple World Championships in horse showing
Kelly Tabert is a long-time resident of Douglas and Elbert Counties for over 33 years, and she knows Parker, Castle Rock, Centennial, and other towns up and down the Front Range.
She has been in the real estate business for 10 years, specializing in acreage and horse properties. They say when you love what you do, it shows. Nothing could be truer for Kelly. Her love for horses and passion for helping people make the most of real estate opportunities adds up to a truly unparalleled level of service and attention to detail. She helps with the pickiest of all buyers. She has a niche for landscaping, which is an asset in market. Real estate isn't just job--it's as real passion for Kelly! She has worked with clients to get the property of their dreams, and get the most value when it comes time to sell. She delivers high quality service to both buyers and sellers.
She is a proud horse owner, and have competed with them since she was 4 years old, from rodeo to horse show performances. During high school, Kelly participated in 4H, honed her barrel racing skills, and earned being named Elbert County Fair Queen during her senior year. More recently, she showed and won World Championships, took several top honors in other prestigious competitions, and loved every minute of it.
She is a mother of two girls, and a grandmother too! She loves the outdoors, from skiing, hiking, road biking and gardening.
Call Kelly at (303) 522-5575 today to schedule a private consultation, because She Loves What She Does and It Shows!
“Kelly is an innovative realtor whose first priority is the client. I have counted on her expertise buying and selling three different investment properties. My experience with Kelly has always been profitable. ”
If you need tenacity
Anyone who's been around horses know how much time they can require. As a mother of two young daughters, Kelly ultimately made the difficult decision to sell her favorite horse, Perry, in order to focus on her family. Although she knew she made the right decision, she always missed the horse and eventually lost contact with its new owner. But eight years later, as her daughter was older and Kelly had more time to devote to horses again, A Google search located her loved Perry in South Dakota. Kelly did some research, contacted the owners, and three days later, drove to South Dakota and brought Perry back home where he belongs.